Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New Work: "Extension Toward Succession"

"Extension Toward Succession"
(Ink on Recycled Paper)

Used a thin brown recycled paper I got out of my buddy's sketch book for this piece. I assumed that it would keep the over-cuts to a minimum and I was right- however, the taped off parts tore off the top layer of paper on the left side. I figured it would happen but I also hoped it wouldn't- but it did, of course.

Chose to go with red ink on this paper. It pops off the page and is a welcomed change from the black I use in constant.

Notes: Still need to be more aware of the lines I make and neatness.


  1. Have you ever thought about layering your pieces? Or using transparent types of papers?

  2. yeah, the red is awesome. does he have ambitions of majesty?

  3. liz- yes i have. you have something particular in mind you could share?

    ra- i think this subject is majesty but is reaching toward something unimaginable/unattainable and i represented it using a spiraling circle. the circle goes on and on and on
